Quienes Somos


Te damos la Bienvenida a la Fundación Poder Ciudadano.

Somos un grupo de profesionales del area de la ciencia política que observamos la decadencia de la llamada "Democracia Representativa". Y queremos colaborar  en el transito hacia una nueva "Democracia Participativa".

    Te invitamos a ser protagonistas de este siglo. Donde nacerá una nueva Era.

          La era de los Ciudadanos.


Nuestra Misión 

Impulsar el desarrollo de la Participación Ciudadana en las políticas públicas

Nuestra Visión 

La crisis de la Democracia Representativa, llevará a la sociedad a una Nueva era. La Era de los Ciudadanos


Desarrollamos programas de capacitación y de formación ciudadana en todos los niveles de la sociedad.


Queremos desarrollar y desarrollarnos con todas las instituciones que tengan como finalidad empoderar a los ciudadanos en la toma de decisiones 

  • Todo comienza en el año 2004

    21st January 1975

    Tres profesionales. Se unen y deciden cambiar y cambiarlos a todos. Se presentan en la ciudad de Lota y levantan las banderas del Ciudadanismo. "Queremos hacer del Pueblo . CIUDADANOS". Año 2006. Se crea el Movimiento Ciudadano de Chile. por Gastón Díaz, Arnelo Pinto y Valeska Ongols Freire.

    Competition and a sudden sharp rise in the cost of raw materials leads many to set up associations, promoting their interets & defending seds themselves against supplier monopolies, all around the world.

  • paredStarts at California City
  • 21st January 1978

    Universal story stretches back more than 125 years & encompases several predecessor companies sed and the inspiring work of tens and thousands of people. But our core mission and values rise in the costof materials.

    Competition and a sudden sharp rise in the cost of raw materials leads many to set up associations, promoting their interets & defending seds themselves against supplier monopolies, all around the world.

  • cc 2

    Starts at California City

    21st January 1984

    Universal story stretches back more than 125 years & encompases several predecessor companies sed and the inspiring work of tens and thousands of people. But our core mission and values rise in the costof materials.

    Competition and a sudden sharp rise in the cost of raw materials leads many to set up associations, promoting their interets & defending seds themselves against supplier monopolies, all around the world.

  • pci

    Starts at California City

    21st January 1985

    Universal story stretches back more than 125 years & encompases several predecessor companies sed and the inspiring work of tens and thousands of people. But our core mission and values rise in the costof materials.

    Competition and a sudden sharp rise in the cost of raw materials leads many to set up associations, promoting their interets & defending seds themselves against supplier monopolies, all around the world.

  • mens

    Starts at California City

    21st January 1988

    Universal story stretches back more than 125 years & encompases several predecessor companies sed and the inspiring work of tens and thousands of people. But our core mission and values rise in the costof materials.

    Competition and a sudden sharp rise in the cost of raw materials leads many to set up associations, promoting their interets & defending seds themselves against supplier monopolies, all around the world.


Meet Our Team

    Allan Donald
    Astley Fletcher
    Mark Thomas
    Richard Anto

Our Achivement

Mambo deliver the right solution for you and your business

Nuestro equipo de experiencia en asesoría legal, sustentabilidad, formación ciudadana. Capacitamos a gremios y sociedad civil, entendemos que una sociedad informada puede tomar mejores decisiones.

  • Tucapel 452, Oficina 810, Concepción
    Región del Bio Bio, Chile.
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